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Liaison Newsletter

In its commitment to create a more welcoming and equitable environment for all its members, the Statistical Society of Canada has established a committee on equity, diversity, and inclusion (the SSC EDI committee). The committee will provide support to help the SSC meet its EDI goals, and to ensure the SSC provides a safe and respectful platform for diverse voices and perspectives.

Work on this has already begun, and we have (and will continue to) set short-, medium-, and long-term goals for the SSC with respect to reducing barriers and increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion. This includes a focus on under-represented and equity-seeking communities—but not limited to—women, visible minorities, Indigenous peoples, people with diverse gender identities, and people with disabilities1. The committee will serve as a liaison to other SSC committees, to ensure best practices with respect to EDI are upheld. You can read more about the committee here.

In order to fulfill these objectives, the committee is asking SSC members to share their ideas of how the Society could work to address issues relating to equity, diversity, and inclusion. Please visit this link to send us your suggestions.

As well as informing the direction of the committee, some comments may be selected for discussion at a panel at this year's SSC annual meeting. The panel, titled "An initiative for promoting an inclusive, equitable and diverse environment at SSC," will introduce the committee's role, goals, and responsibilities, and feature discussion of how equity-related issues relate to statistics, statisticians, and the Society. We also hope to use the comments from our members as a springboard for conversation.

In the coming months a more detailed survey of our members will be circulated. This will be carefully designed to ensure the committee's approach to EDI-related issues is as well-informed and data-driven as possible. In the meantime, we look forward to hearing your suggestions on how we can help make the society a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive environment, and hope to see you at the annual meeting!


The Statistical Society of Canada Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee


1. This order is taken from NSERC’s EDI statement. However, for the purpose of this terms of reference, we note that the groups are to be considered in no particular order.

Image credit: Hanna Carriere (2020)
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