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Sebastian Jaimungal, professor in the Department of Statistical Sciences, has been named Fellow of the Fields Institute.  

The lifetime appointment of Fellow of the Fields Institute recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the Fields Institute, its core activities, and the mathematical community at large.

Sebastian Jaimungal’s connection to Fields extends across several ongoing initiatives and projects. He leads the successful Fields CQAM lab on Systemic Risk Analytics; he is a lead organizer of the Fields Quantitative Finance Seminar, and serves on the steering committee of the Centre for Financial Industries.

Professor Jaimungal’s research interest lies in mathematical finance and ranges over a variety of topics in mean field games, algorithmic trading, machine learning, and commodities markets, where he has made several seminal contributions.

Other significant awards Sebastian Jaimungal has received include the SIGEST Award from the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (2018) and an NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplement (DAS) from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (2018). 

Professor Jaimungal would like to thank the Fields Institute. He is delighted to receive this honour.

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