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Multivariate Risk Management and Semi-Parametric Estimation of Extreme Expectiles
Multivariate risk measures provide as straightforward interpretation of how risky a position is, with the underlying dependence structure. We will illustrate some use of multivariate risk measures for insurance protections against environmental risks. In this presentation, we will see how multivariate risk measures can bring insightful information and help assessing dependent risks. Moreover, special attention will be brought to providing a semi-parametric estimator for multivariate extreme expectiles. Illustrations using simulated and real data will be provided.
Date and Time
Additional Authors and Speakers (not including you)
Elena Di Bernardino
Université Côte D'Azur
Nicholas Beck
HEC Montréal
Language of Oral Presentation
Language of Visual Aids


Edit Name Primary Affiliation
Mélina Mailhot Concordia University