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Evidence-Based Decision-Making at the Canada Revenue Agency
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) recognizes the importance of innovation to meet the service expectations of Canadians and protect the tax revenue base. Within the CRA’s innovation ecosystem, the Accelerated Business Solutions Lab (the Lab) plays a key role in fostering a culture of experimentation and intelligent risk-taking by leading and collaborating on projects with an agency-wide scope. Experimentation is central to the Lab’s activities – it affords us the opportunity to measure the efficacy of our efforts and helps us identify interventions that should be scaled up or reconsidered. Applications of experimentation at the Lab are centered on two key areas – behavioural insights and advanced analytics. Some recent projects will be discussed, along with the challenges of conducting experiments in government and the value of having a process in place to innovate in a way that is selective, disciplined, and focused.
Date and Time
Language of Oral Presentation
Language of Visual Aids


Edit Name Primary Affiliation
André Patry Canada Revenue Agency