Covariate Adjustment in Randomized Clinical Trials with Missing Covariate and Outcome Data

When analyzing data from randomized clinical trials, covariate adjustment can be used to account for chance imbalance in baseline covariates and to enhance the precision of the treatment effect estimate. A practical barrier to implementing covariate adjustment is the presence of missing data. We investigate the implications of the missing data mechanism on the estimation of the average treatment effect in randomized clinical trials. We propose a weighting approach that combines inverse probability weighting for adjusting missing outcomes and overlap weighting for covariate adjustment. We conduct simulation studies to examine the finite sample performance of the proposed methods. We find that the proposed adjustment methods generally improve the precision of treatment effect estimates, irrespective of the imputation methods, when the adjusted covariate is associated with the outcome.

Date and Time: 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024 - 11:27 to 11:50

Additional Authors and Speakers: 

Chia-Rui Chang
Harvard University
Yue Song
Harvard University
Fan Li
Duke University

Language of Oral Presentation: 

English / Anglais

Language of Visual Aids: 

English / Anglais

Type of Presentation: 

Oral Presentation



First Name Middle Name Last Name Primary Affiliation
Rui Wang Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute