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Welcome to St. John’s and to Memorial University

The department of Mathematics and Statistics at Memorial University welcomes you to St. John’s!  We are thrilled to be hosting the SSC annual meeting once again.

Land acknowledgement

We acknowledge that the lands on which Memorial University’s campuses are situated are in the traditional territories of diverse Indigenous groups, and we respectfully reflect upon the diverse histories and cultures of the Beothuk, Mi’kmaq, Innu, and Inuit of this province 

Stellar location

St. John's is the capital and largest city of the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador. It is located on the eastern tip of the Avalon Peninsula on the island of Newfoundland.  St. John's, the oldest city in North America, is a tourist city with its vibrant cultural and social life, great coastal walking trails, the scene of fabulous folk and rock festivals and home to an annual Regatta that dates to 1816. Every year, May –June is well known as iceberg season. Roughly 90% of icebergs seen off Newfoundland and Labrador come from the glaciers of western Greenland, while the rest come from glaciers in Canada's Arctic. NL is one of the most spectacular whales watching places on Earth. There are lot of tourist attractions around St. John’s, including Signal Hill National Historical Site and Cape Spear Light House Historical Site. You may get more information from our help desk at registration.

About Memorial University

Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN) is one of Atlantic Canada's top universities in terms of teaching and research. As Newfoundland and Labrador’s only university, Memorial has a special obligation to the people of this province. Established as a memorial to the Newfoundlanders who lost their lives on active service during the First World War and subsequent conflicts, Memorial University draws inspiration from these sacrifices of the past as we help to build a better future for our province, our country and our world.

About Department of Mathematics and Statistics

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics has 40 faculty members, half of them have been hired since 2005, and be proud that 20% of us hold the university’s highest rank, University Research Professor. We offer courses leading to general and honors undergraduate degrees in both the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Arts, with concentrations in applied mathematics, pure mathematics and statistics. We also offer a variety of graduate degrees in both mathematics and statistics.

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics has 40 faculty members of which 25 percentage of belong to Statistics group. We offer courses leading to general and honors undergraduate degrees in both the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Arts, with concentrations in applied mathematics, pure mathematics and statistics. We also offer a variety of graduate degrees in both mathematics and statistics including Two Year Research based MSc in Mathematics and Statistics, One year Master of Applied Statistics, One Year Master of Data Science (jointly with Computer Science)  and Ph.D Mathematics and Statistics. We also offer major and minor in undergraduate degree programs in Mathematics and Statistics.


Scientific Program Committee 

Tessema Astatkie (Chair), Dalhousie University
Milena Kurtinecz, Bayer, USA
Luke Hagar, University of Waterloo
Alexandru Badescu, University of Calgary
Jinko Graham, Simon Fraser University
Farouk Nathoo, University of Victoria
Matthew Greenberg, University of Calgary
Thomas Salisbury, York University
Yildiz Yilmaz, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Éric Gagnon, Institut de la statistique du Québec

Local Arrangements Committee @ Memorial University

Asokan Mulayath Variyath & Zhaozhi Fan (Co-Chairs)
J C Loredo-Osti
Veeresh Gadag
Armin Hatefi
Yanqing Yi
Alwell Oyet
Hensley Hubert
Kunasekaran Nirmalkanna
Nan Zhang
Haiyan Yang

It is impossible to organize an event of the size of the Annual Meeting of the SSC without the help of several individuals and organizations. The local arrangements committee would like to thank all those who helped pull this event together. Since it is not easy to name everyone, we sincerely thank all members of the department / group who helped us. They are,

•    AV and IT support from Centre for Innovation and Teaching, MUN
•    Administrative Staff and Faculty Members of Department of Mathematics and Statistics, MUN
•    Entire team of Dean’s Office of Faculty of Science, MUN
•    Facilities Management at Memorial
•    Team members of MUN Conference and Event Services
•    MUN Dinning Services
•    Conference Services at Sheraton Hotel
•    MUN Student Residences
•    Room Reservation and services at Sheraton Hotel and Holiday Inn
•    MUN Campus Enforcement & Patrol
•    MUN Parking Services
•    City Wide Cab Services
•    SSC Office Staff at Ottawa
•    SSC Board
•    WHOVA
•    Sponsors of SSC 2024 

General Information

NOTE – To be environmentally conscious, the SSC Board decided to no longer provide printed programs. 
We suggest you download the free WHOVA app from either the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. This app permits you to view the program, set up your personal agenda, and connect and communicate with fellow attendees. Depending on whether your device is set to English or French, you will be able to view the program in either language. You can use TRACKS to sort through the program. All registrants should receive an email about using WHOVA for SSC2024.

Failing that, the SSC meeting website contains the entire program online or as a pdf file with and without abstracts and you have the option of printing your program from there.

All Attendees at the SSC Annual Meeting are reminded that in attending an SSC event, they agree to adhere to the SSC Code of Conduct.


Finding your way at MUN:!ct/15331?sbc/

MUN Residence Location:

University campus parking map:

Destination St. Johns 2024 Visitor Guide:

All SSC2024 talks are planned to be in Chemistry - Physics (C), Arts and Administration Building (A), Education Building (ED) and - Bruneau Centre for Research and Innovation (IIC – formerly known as Inco Innovation Centre). (Note that all buildings are connected by a tunnel system which you may wish to use if inclement weather)

The Opening Reception on Sunday June 2, 18.00-20.00 is being held on the Core Science Facility (CSF) Whale Atrium.

The Monday June 3 SSC banquet is at the Sheraton Hotel Newfoundland, 115 Cavendish Square, St. John’s, NL from 6.00 pm (cash bar) with 7.00-10.30pm food service. Buses will shuttle banquet attendees between MUN and Sheraton Hotel starting promptly at 5.15 p.m.; return shuttle buses will leave the Museum promptly starting at 10:30 p.m. to return to Memorial University. 


Registered participants must pick up their badges and food / banquet vouchers at the Registration Desk at Bruneau Centre for Research and Innovation the times indicated below. Walk-ins must register online and present their receipt at the registration desk. If you have already registered for the conference but wish to add a workshop, please contact for instructions or come to the registration desk before the workshop on Sunday morning.

The Registration Desk is located in Bruneau Centre for Research and Innovation Atrium. Hours are:

Sunday, June 1: 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.
Monday, June 2: 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday, June 3: 8:00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.
Wednesday, June 4: 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Parking and Transportation 

There are bus services to the Memorial campus (located near University Centre) operated by Metro Bus but it will be running on a spring schedule.

You may wish to carpool, take a taxi, or Uber.

On campus parking (pay-per-use) is available following parking lots

Area 27:    
Parking Garage - Level 1 (all spaces) and Level 2 (designated P&D spaces on east and west perimeter rows) located on Arctic Avenue.

Area 61:    
Earth Sciences Garage (ground floor) located beside the University Center located on Arctic Avenue.

Location of all pay per use spaces can be viewed on the Pay-Per-Use Parking Zones

Campus Security

Fire/Police/Ambulance: 911
By phone:

EMERGENCIES: 709-864-8561 (ext. 4444 from any campus phone)
NONE-EMERGENCIES:  709-864-4100 (ext. 4100 from any campus phone: Dial 9-4100)

Internet Access

Memorial University is a member of eduroam (EDUcation ROAMing), an authentication service allowing users (researchers, teachers, students, staff) from participating educational institutions to securely access the wireless network of any eduroam-enabled institution by using the same credentials they would use at their home institution. Connecting through eduroam provides basic network connectivity for web browsing (HTTP), secure shell (SSH) and VPN access.  Visitors to Memorial University from eduroam participating institutions can access basic wireless services using their university related credentials. All participants can also access a wireless network @Memorial-Guest and there is no password required.

Food on Campus

Due to the scarcity of restaurants near the Memorial University, lunch is provided daily as part of your registration at R Gushue Hall (see daily vouchers in your registration package); boxed lunches will be available in Bruneau Centre for Research and Innovation only for those attending lunchtime committee meetings. You may able to get food at some of the restaurants on campus at University Centre. 

Coffee breaks will take place at 9:50--10:20a.m. and 2:30--3:00p.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Coffee will be available in two locations - Bruneau Centre for Research and Innovation (IIC) Atrium and the Arts & Administration Building (A) Atrium.

Lunch breaks will be at 11:50a.m.--1:30p.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Due to the scarcity of restaurants near the Memorial University, lunch is provided daily as part of your registration at R Gushue Hall (see daily vouchers in your registration package); boxed lunches will be available in Bruneau Centre for Research and Innovation only for those attending lunchtime committee meetings. You may also be able to get food at some of the restaurants on campus at University Centre.

Athletic Facilities 

Memorial University offers state-of-the art athletics facilities at the Field House. Information on our fitness centre is available at

The Conference

An important feature of our meetings is the presentation of the abstracts and of the plenary session visual aids in both official languages. This translation was once again very ably carried out under the supervision of the Bilingualism Committee:

Thierry Chekouo Tekougang (Chair), University of Calgary
Claude Girard, Statistics Canada
Marie-Hélène Descary, L’Université du Québec à Montréal
Ismaila Baldé, University of Moncton
Anne-Sophie Charest, Université Laval
Denis Talbot, Université Laval
Sarah-Anne Savard, Statistics Canada

and by the translators:

Catherine Cox
Michelle Blaquiere
Caroline Gras
Olivier Tremblay

At the time that they submitted their abstract, speakers were asked to provide the language in which they intend to give their oral presentation as well as the language of their visual aids. Icons are used to provide this information for each paper. For the oral presentation, we have used the icons E and F , whereas E and F indicate the language of the visual aids. The letter inside identifies the language: E for English and F for French. Please note that the visual aids for the plenary talks will be provided in both languages.


Scientific Sessions - Rooms

Talks will be held in Bruneau Centre for Research and Innovation (IIC – formerly known as Inco Innovation Centre), Arts and Administration (A), G. A.  Hickman Building (ED – Education), Chemistry – Physics Building (C). 

Poster Sessions and Case Studies

Contributed posters and Case Study posters will be displayed in Core Science Facility (CSF) Atrium. All the case study posters will be displayed between noon and 4:00 p.m., the authors being with their posters from 13:30 until 15:00. The contributed poster presentations are scheduled for Tuesday, 13:30-15:00. 

Presentation of Awards

Presentation of the predetermined SSC Awards for 2024 (Gold Medal, Honorary Memberships, Distinguished Service, CRM-SSC, Canadian Journal of Statistics Best Paper, Pierre Robillard, Impact of Applied and Collaborative Work, Distinguished Educator, Early Career Educator, Lise Manchester) will be presented at the Banquet on Monday June 2. Awards for student presentations at the SSC 2024 Conference will be presented in a special session on Wednesday June 4 at 9:30am in IIC 2001, immediately following the presentation by the 2023 SSC Gold Medal winner. These awards include all of the Student Presentation Awards (including the competitions put on by SSC Sections) and the Case Studies in Data Analysis Awards. Please join us to honour those young researchers who win these important awards. The New Investigator Presentation Award will be announced in Liaison at a later date.


Workshops organized by the Sections will be held on Sunday June 2 in rooms in Arts and Administration (A)  and Henrietta Harvey (HH – Mathematics).  Refreshment breaks will take place in Bruneau Centre for Research and Innovation Atrium between 10:15-10:45 a.m. and 2:15-2:45 p.m. . Lunch for Workshops will take place in R Gushue Hall between noon and 1:00 p.m.

Other Meetings

NSERC Discovery Grant Information Session:  Tuesday June 4, 15:30-17:00 in room A-1049 

This workshop will be presented by NSERC Research Grants staff and will cover the Notification of Intent to Apply (NOI) and Full Application process, the Discovery Grant evaluation process principles (criteria and ratings), the Conference Model and tips for preparing a Discovery Grant application. Following the Workshop, there will be an opportunity for participants to ask questions.

Social Events

Welcome Reception 

Sunday, June 2,18.00 – 20.00. 
The Welcome Reception will be held in Core Science Facility Whale Atrium. All conference attendees are welcome to join us to share a drink and some appetizers in good company. One drink ticket will be given to all registrants for the reception in their registration badge. For those who will be arriving directly from the workshops it is a five minute walk from the workshop meeting rooms. 

SSC Banquet 

Monday, May 3, 18.00 – 22.30
The banquet will be held at Sheraton Hotel with a cash bar/cocktails at 18:00 and dinner service beginning promptly at 19.00. Due to capacity restrictions, we could not provide banquet ticket to all the registered participants. All conference participants who have selected a meal for the banquet will find one banquet ticket with their selected meal in their registration badge. You must place the banquet ticket on the table in front of you when your table is served. Please notify your server of any food allergies.

If you have a banquet ticket but do not wish to attend the banquet, please return it to the Registration Desk by noon on Monday, June 3. - this will help us to better plan for attendance at the banquet.

Shuttle buses will transport conference attendees between MUN to Sheraton Hotel both at the start and end of the banquet. Buses will be available as of 17.30 in front of School of Music (Parking Lot 15); return buses will be available as of 10:30 p.m. in front of the Sheraton Hotel.

Student Barbeque 

Tuesday, May 4 18.00-20.00 in the R. Gushue Hall
The student BBQ is free for undergraduate and graduate students; advance registration is required. Those who have registered for the BBQ will receive a ticket with their registration badge.

Other Social Events 

Accredited Members Social Event

Tuesday June 4, 5:00pm - 7:00pm at The Breezeway in the Memorial University Centre (UC on the campus map). 

Biostatistics Section and CSEB Social Event

Tuesday June 4, 5:00pm-7:00pm at Quintana’s de la Plaza, 57 Rowan Street, St. John’s NL A1B 2X2

New Investigators’ Social Gathering

Tuesday June 4, 5:30pm-7:30pm at Arribas Bar, 57 Rowan Street, St. John’s NL A1B 2X2