Title: Making a Living as an Accredited Statistician: Tips from the Frontlines of Experienced, Successful Accredited Consulting Statisticians
Facilitator: Janet E. A. McDougall, MSc. P.Stat. (SSC) PStat® (ASA), McDougall Scientific Ltd
Ms. McDougall is President of McDougall Scientific Ltd.
Workshop Description: The purpose of the workshop is to explore how to make a living as an accredited statistician. The workshop will be presented as a panel discussion. The panel members are experienced statisticians who have been practicing in their area of expertise and are also accredited members. They will discuss their personal journey, the lessons learned - challenges and benefits. The moderator will ask questions on topics of interest to the panel members to ensure a fulsome presentation; workshop participants will also be able to ask questions and participate in the discussion. The goal is to provide an understanding of the requirements for different types of statistical jobs and strategies for developing and/or enhancing the participant’s own statistical careers. Note that this half-day workshop will be held from 9:00 am to noon.
Janet E. A. McDougall, MSc. P.Stat. (SSC) PStat® (ASA)
Founder and President at McDougall Scientific Ltd.
Building on a background in research, pharmaceuticals and consulting, Janet started McDougall Scientific in 1984. Today there are 15 employees in statistics, data management and applications development, consulting in pharmaceutical and biotech trial design, support and analysis.
Dr. Rhonda J. Rosychuk, Ph.D., P.Stat., PStat®(ASA)
Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Pediatrics, University of Alberta
Adjunct Professor, Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Alberta
Adjunct Professor, Department of Statistics and Actuarial Sciences, Simon Fraser University
Director, Biostatistics Consulting Group www.BiostatsConsultGroup.ualberta.ca
Member, Women and Children's Health Research Institute www.wchri.org
Rhonda devotes most of her time to biostatistical methodological research and working with medical colleagues as a statistical collaborator and consultant. She founded, and is the Director of, a not-for-profit university consultancy to provide statistical expertise and data analyses to academic research projects and is particularly interested projects that deal with her biostatistical research interests.
Darcy Pickard, M.Sc., B.Sc., P.Stat.
Sr. Statistician and Sr. Systems Ecologist at ESSA Technologies Ltd.
Darcy’s goal is to bring statistical rigour to challenging environmental problems in freshwater, marine, and terrestrial ecosytems. She has supported over 150 projects throughout Canada, the United States, and the Caribbean for a wide variety of clients including: government, Non-Governmental Organizations, Indigenous communities, and industry.
Khalid Lemzouji, MSc. P.Stat., P.Eng.
Co-founder of StatVis analystics (www.statvis.com), and DS4G (www.ds4g.com)
Both firms are specialized in building user friendly statistical and machine learning apps for clients in environmental, public health, financial and engineering businesses. The business objective of the 2 companies is to make statistics/data science affordable by small and midsized companies using affordable customized apps.