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SSC 2006 Annual Meeting

28-31 May 2006
London, Ontario

Special Invited Session of the Biostatistics Section - Allocution de l’invité d’honneur du Groupe de biostatistique

Organizer and Chair - Responsable: 
Michael Escobar (University of Toronto)

Speakers - Conférenciers: 
Donald Berry (The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center)

Session 1: Statistical Issues in Designing and Monitoring Clinical Trials (Biostatistics section) - Problèmes statistiques dans la planification et la surveillance d’essais cliniques (Groupe de biostatistique)

Organizer and Chair - Responsable
Joan Hu (Simon Fraser University)

Speakers - Conférenciers:
James Neaton (University of Minnesota)
Christopher Jennison (University of Bath)

Session 2: Statistical Methods in Computational Genetics (Biostatistics section) - Méthodes statistiques en calculs génétiques (Groupe de biostatistique)

Organizer and Chair • Responsable et président:
Aurélie Labbe (Université Laval)

Speakers - Conférenciers:
Mayetri Gupta, Joseph Ibrahim & Pingping Qu, (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Raphael Gottardo (University of British Columbia)
Radu Craiu (University of Toronto), Shelley Bull (Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute), Andrew Paterson (Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto), Lei Sun (Departments of Public Health and Statistics, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto)

Session 3: Spatial/Temporal Modelling for Marine Ecological Systems (Biostatistics section) - Modèles spatiaux/temporels dans les systèmes écologiques marins (Groupe de biostatistique)

Organizer and Chair - Responsable :
Joanna Flemming Dalhousie University

Speakers - Conférenciers:
Stephen Smith (Bedford Institute of Oceanography)
Michael Dowd (Dalhousie University)
Ransom Myers, Ian Jonsen, Greg Breed, Mike James & Joanna Flemming (Dalhousie University)

Session 4: Genomic Assessment Implications of Biologic Heterogeneity (Biostatistics section) - Implications sur l’évaluation génomique de la variabilité biologique (Groupe de biostatistique)

Organizer and Chair - Responsable :
Judy-Anne Chapman (Queen’s University)

Speakers - Conférenciers:
Debashis Ghosh (University of Michigan)
Guilherme Rosa (Michigan State University)
Judy-Anne Chapman (NCIC Clinical Trials Group), David Axelrod (Rutgers University), Naomi Miller (University of Toronto), Jin Qian (University of Waterloo), William Christens-Barry (Equipoise Imaging LLC), Yan Yuan (University of Waterloo), Yuejiao Fu (York University)