2013 Case Studies in Data Analysis Poster Competition
There will be a poster competition for Case Studies in Data Analysis during the Annual Meeting in Edmonton, May 26-29, 2013. One award will be presented for the best case-study poster in each of the two case studies. The value of the award for each case study in the 2013 competition will be $500 with the intention that this award is shared equally among the members of each winning team. The Committee of the Award for Case Studies in Data Analysis will consider the quality of both the analysis of the data and the presentation of the results in reaching its decision. The Committee of the Award for Case Studies in Data Analysis reserves the right to decline to make an award for a given study if numbers of entries are insufficient.
The case studies are intended for teams of graduate and senior undergraduate students working either with or without faculty mentors. Each participating team will choose to analyse one of the two data sets described below and the teams will present summaries of the methods they used and the results of their analyses in a poster presentation session at the Annual Meeting.
Interested teams should send an email to Lajmi Lakhal-Chaieb indicating the names of all team members. The deadline for registration is March 31, 2013.
- Case Study 1: Exploring spatial and temporal heterogeneity of environmental noise in Toronto
- Case Study 2: Study of the impact of human disturbances on habitat selection and on calf survival for forest-dwelling caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou)