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Copula Diagonals, Distortions and the Asymptotic Distribution of Maxima
In its most common form, extreme value theory is concerned with the limiting distribution of location-scale transformed block-maxima of a sequence of identically distributed random variables. In case the members of the sequence are independent, the weak limiting behavior of the maximum is adequately described by the classical Fisher--Tippett--Gnedenko theorem. In this presentation we are interested in the case of dependent random variables, while retaining a common marginal distribution function for all members of the sequence. This approach is facilitated by highlighting the connection between block-maxima and copula diagonals in an asymptotic context. The main goal of this presentation is to discuss a generalization of the Fisher--Tippett--Gnedenko theorem in this setting, leading to limiting distributions that are not in the class of generalized extreme value distributions.
Date and Time
Co-auteurs (non y compris vous-même)
Marius Hofert
University of Waterloo
Johanna G. Nešlehová
McGill University
Langue de la présentation orale
Langue des supports visuels


Edit Name Primary Affiliation
Klaus Peter Herrmann Université de Sherbrooke