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SSC Student Travel Award

Full-time student from a Canadian university presenting a poster OR giving a talk in a Contributed or Invited Paper Session OR participating in a Case Study Session. Students who have received an SSC Travel Award within the last two years are ineligible.

How to apply:
Applicant to submit an online application and have his/her supervisor confirming the full-time student status with the Chair of the Student Travel Grants Committee via email.

Deadline: March 1st

Amount: Up to $750.


  1. Students who are only attending the SSC student conference are not eligible for the award;
  2. No more than two awards will be awarded per university;
  3. Only one award will be given per presentation in case of multiple authors.



CMS Graduate Student Travel Support

Graduate students in good standing at a Canadian or other university with preference given to Canadian students. 

How to apply:
Supervisor or departmental graduate advisor to submit an online application.

Around March 15th for the Summer Meeting (dates can vary), 
Around September 15th for the Winter Meeting (dates can vary)

Amount: Partial funding to cover travel and accommodation cost. Details unspecified.

Note: Applicants are referred to the meeting committee for more information on the award. All applicants will be notified of the decision in late September.



SIAM Student Travel Awards

Any full-time students in good standing travelling more than 100 miles to the conference. Top Priority: students presenting papers or posters at the conference. Second Priority: students who are co-authors of papers or posters to be presented at the conference.

How to apply:
Applicant to submit an application package in pdf format online. The package would include: 1) a statement of application, 2) current CV of the applicant, and 3) contact of his/her advisor who would then be contacted for a letter of recommendation. Detailed instructions and selection criteria are available at the link below. 

Seven months before the first day of the conferences. Exact date for each conference is listed on the website.

Amount: $650 (or $800 for intercontinental travel) + free registration

Note: Some requirement to fly with US airline for travels outside of the U.S due to the Fly America Act. See website for details.



WNAR Student Paper Competition

WNAR members who are current students or recent graduates (graduation date not earlier than May 1 of the conference year) of programs in the WNAR region of the International Biometric Society (the western-most 13 U.S. states and 3 Canadian provinces) in biostatistics, statistics or other applied mathematical fields having a biometric focus.

All submitted papers must have been initiated in graduate school, where the bulk of the effort leading to the paper was put forth.

To enter the student paper competition, a student must:

  • Register for the conference AND
  • Submit an abstract AND
  • Submit a manuscript AND
  • Give an oral presentation at the conference, during a student paper session.

Students having previously won a WNAR student paper competition award are excluded from subsequent competitions. Students who wish to present a paper but do not wish to enter the competition may submit a contributed paper to the conference.


IMS Travel Award

Any IMS member who has or will receive his/her PhD in the same year as the application deadline or was awarded a PhD within the 5 years preceding. 

How to apply:
Applicant to send the followings to IMS via email with subject line Travel Award: <last name of applicant>

  1. Cover letter with contact information (including email address)
  2. Title, abstract, a brief 1-2 page summary of the paper to be presented, and one copy of the full paper or a link to a web site where the paper appears
  3. Recent CV. The CV should include a list of publications
  4. For students: please include a letter signed by the advisor attesting to the fact that the student is a degree candidate. For new researchers, please include the month and year of your graduation in the cover letter.
  5. 2 letters of recommendation. Letters should be sent directly by recommender to using TRAVEL AWARD: <last name of applicant> in the subject line.

Deadline: February 1st

Amount: Typically between USD500 to USD1500

The award funds travels and possibly other expenses to present a paper or a poster at an IMS sponsored or co-sponsored meeting (except the IMS New Researcher’s Conference) for those who would otherwise not be able to attend the meeting. 


CANSSI Support for SAMSI Student Workshop

Undergraduate or graduate student at a Canadian university who is attending SAMSI’s Education and Outreach programs.

How to apply:
Send application for support for these workshops to CANSSI

No later than 6 weeks before the workshop takes place

Student should note on their application to attend the SAMSI workshop that they are also applying to CANSSI for funding


ASA Student Paper Competition / Travel Award to Attend JSM

Each ASA section has its own specific instructions. Students may submit papers to no more than 2 sections and may only accept one section’s award. Students must inform both sections applied to when he/she wins and accepts an award.

All material to be received by the Section by December 15. Some section has earlier deadline. Winner will be notified by January 15.
