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SSC 2005 Annual Meeting

June 12, 2005
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Session 1: How and how well do we train future consultants (Biostatistics section)

Organizer: Jeanette O’Hara Hines (University of Waterloo)

David Bellhouse (University of Western Ontario)
John Petkau (University of British Columbia)
Jeanette O’Hara Hines (University of Waterloo)
Heather Thiessen (London Health Science Centre)
Jamie Myles (Pfizer)

Session 2: Special Invited Session of the Biostatistics Section

Organizer: Gordon Fick (University of Calgary)

Speaker: Gerald Van Belle (University of Washington)

Session 3: Statistical Genomics: New platforms, new data, new analysis methods for high-throughput experiments (Biostatistics section)

Organizer: Karen Kopciuk (University of Calgary)

Steve Horvath (UCLA School of Public Health)
Rafal Kustra (University of Toronto)

Session 4: Recent Advances in Lifetime Data (Biostatistics section)

Organizer: Richard Cook (University of Waterloo)

Thierrey Duchesne (University of Laval)
Doug Schaubel (University of Michigan)
Bingshu Chen (NCI)