Youth Employment and the 2008 Crisis


Data Source: 

Statistique Canada. Enquête sur la population active grâce à l'Initiative de démocratisation des données: EPA 2002-2014


Heather Krause, Datassist


The financial crisis of 2008 has been said (Tancer, 2012) to have caused widespread youth unemployment and may have had a long term effect on relative employment demand in different industries.

Research Question: 


Question 1: Based on your analysis, is this true across the board in Canada? How has the impact differed for young men and young women across diverse industries? To what extent has youth employment recovered within various industries?

Question 2: You have a daughter in high school. Based on the trends revealed in your analysis, what career advice do you give her? Is this advice the same or different for her twin brother?




Data Access: 


The Statistics Canada Labour Force Survey (2015) compiles data on variables that allow an analysis of the effects of the crisis. Almost all Canadian universities participate in Statistics Canada’s Data Liberation Initiative (DLI) which gives students access to longitudinal microdata from the Labour Force Survey. A data set comprising a selection of variables from 2002 to 2014 has been compiled and is available to students enrolled at universities participating in the DLI by contacting Georges Monette. You may also obtain additional variables, if you wish, through the DLI representative at your university. See the list of participating institutions and their representatives.



  1. Daniel Tancer ( 2012 ). Canada Emploi Expositions marché disparités énormes , People Patterns rapport. Huffington Post . Publié le 5 septembre , 2012. Disponible à partir :
  2. Statistique Canada ( 2015 ) Enquête sur la population active . Disponible à partir :