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We are now accepting applications for the 3rd Annual SSC Student Conference Organizing Committee.

1) SSC Student Conference Organizing Committee Application

2) Descriptions of Available Positions


 -- Update: The Program booklet is now available --


Save the date!  The second annual Statistical Society of Canada Student Conference will take place


Saturday, May 24th, 2014


at the University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario

 This exciting new conference is once again welcoming graduate and undergraduate students with interest in statistics to participate in a full day of activities and academic sessions.  In addition to contributed research sessions, this conference features workshops and panel sessions focusing on skill and career development.  Students will have the opportunity to interact with our invited career speakers, who have years of experience working in statistics-related jobs in industry, academia and government. Faculty and individuals not enrolled at a university are also welcome to register!

We are very pleased to announce that Professor Jack Kalbfleisch from the University of Michigan will be giving the keynote address "Repeated randomization and cluster randomized trials".



Registration is now closed! The online registration deadline was May 6th. The registration fee for the student conference alone is $50.

If you'll need housing, visit the SSC accomodations webpage to search for and book a hotel room or residence.



Submit your abstract!

Students are invited to submit an abstract to contribute either a poster or an oral presentation.  Click here for more details on how to submit your abstract!  If you are an undergraduate student who is presenting a poster, you are eligible for the undergraduate poster competition.  The abstract submission deadline is March 1st.



Statistics on Reels (video research competition): Graduate and undergraduate students may submit their written abstracts along with a 2-5 minute video describing their research project.  Videos will be judged based on presentation and the academic merit of the project.  Winners will be awarded $250 (which can optionally be used as travel funding).  *Winners must be registered for and give a presentation at the student conference to receive their prize. *Winners will be announced prior to the registration deadline.  Click for more details.  Submission deadline is March 1st!  Deadline extended to March 17th!


Update: We are pleased to announce the five finalists for the Statistics on Reels Competition!

Undergraduate poster competition:  undergraduate students who submit an abstract to present a poster have the option to enter this competition.  Winners will receive a cash prize!  Please see the abstract submissions page for more information.


Special Sessions

Career Q&A panel: We are pleased to introduce our four career speakers.

Statistical consulting skills: Janet McDougall, Georges Monette and Rhonda Rosychuk will be sharing their expertise by presenting topics on skill building in statistical consulting. Click for more details.


Schedule (all events will be held in the Medical Sciences Building at UofT)

Time Event
10:00am-10:20am Welcome
10:30am-12:00pm Research sessions
12:00pm-12:50pm Lunch (included in registration)
12:50pm-1:50pm Presentation skills workshop and statistical consulting session (parallel)
2:00pm-3:00pm Poster session and coffee break
3:00pm-4:15pm Invited career speakers panel
4:25pm-5:25pm Keynote address by Professor Jack Kalbfleisch and closing session
8:00pm Social evening at local pub



Help us advertise this conference by printing the poster and posting it in your department!



Other student-centric activities happening at the main SSC conference

Consider also signing up for the main SSC conference which starts on Sunday, May 25th­, 2014. We’ve compiled a list of great events and competitions at the main conference that might be of particular interest to student participants.



Canadian Statistical Sciences Institution (CANSSI) Statistical Society of Canada (SSC) University of Toronto Fields Institute
SSC Biostatistics CRC Press


Check out Peter Macdonald's photos from last year's student conference.