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Bruce Dunham and Davor Cubranic, Department of Statistics,University of British Columbia

One-Day Short Course, 25 May 2014, 9:00am - 4:30pm (lunch break 12:00 - 1:30) room MS 3153, Medical Sciences building, University of Toronto

WeBWorK is a free, open-source online homework application. The on-going WeBWorKiR project at UBC has involved both the creation of a wide range of WeBWorK questions in the statistical sciences and enabling WeBWorK to communicate with the statistical computing software R. This hands-on workshop will guide potential users on how to set up online homeworks using WeBWorK, including how to import and customise existing questions, how to create new questions from a selection of templates, and how to call and integrate R output. No previous experience with WeBWorK is necessary. Attendees are requested to bring a laptop computer.