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SSC Education Section
Liaison Newsletter

The new executive committee of the SSC's Education Section (SES) has several initiatives ongoing, the details of two of which are below. A third, a new logo for the section, is also in the pipeline.

Statistics Education Section Slack: The SES has recently launched a Slack server for discussion, sharing, and community building in the time between annual meetings. The section hopes that a welcoming and comfortable environment will encourage collaboration and discussion on topics associated with teaching statistics, professional life as an academic statistician, and initiatives of the section. Monthly discussion topics will encourage continued engagement and community. All members of the SSC are welcome to join the Slack, regardless of membership in SES. If you are interested, please join via the link
Canadian Conference on Teaching Statistics (and Data Science)—CANCOTS(DS): The Statistics Education Section is pleased to announce the creation of a steering group for organizing, publicizing, and running the inaugural CANCOTS(DS), planned for summer 2023. The regular success of ICOTS, USCOTS, and eCOTS inspired the SES to have a home-grown, Canadian-centric conference on the topic. We hope to use this to build connections and develop a community including secondary school and college-level statistics instructors, as well as promote statistics education more broadly in Canada. The chair of the steering group is Wesley Burr, president-elect of the SES, and we encourage any members of the SSC who are interested in being involved in this initiative to contact him ( to be added to the mailing list, or to join the new SES Slack, where a channel is devoted to planning.


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