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Liaison Newsletter

In May, the Southern Ontario Regional Association of the Statistical Society of Canada (SORA) with the Toronto Area Biostatistics Association (TABA) and the Division of Biostatistics at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health (DLSPH), University of Toronto (U of T), held their annual Workshop and Biostatistics Research Day (BRD). The annual BRD took place on May 12. There were 35 virtual posters presented by graduate students at DLSPH, and from elsewhere in Canada. Thanks to the members of the organizing committee: Ryan Rosner, Ruth Croxford, Teresa To, Lisa Avery, Hugh McCague, Kevin McGregor, Rose Garrett, Jiayin Chen, and Myrtha Reyna Vargas. Great appreciation is extended to the 11 judges for their time and effort: Rosane Nisenbaum, Kuan Liu, Lisa Avery, Alistair Johnson, Ruth Croxford, Jenna Sykes, Aya Mitani, Sandra Gardner, Xuan Li, Charles Keown-Stoneman, and Divya Sharma. The winners of the BRD poster competition were: Boxi Lin (1st prize), Lee Radigan (2nd prize), and Suvd Zulbayar (3rd prize). Zijin Liu and Ziming (Jocelyn) Chen received honourable mentions. The awards are generously sponsored by U of T’s professor emeritus Paul Corey. The SORA-TABA Workshop on Regression Diagnostics followed on May 19 and May 20. The online workshop was given by professor emeritus John Fox, McMaster University and moderated by Tony Panzarella and Ruth Croxford. There were 143 registrants from Canada, the U.S., and Europe. The event was dedicated to the memory of Janet McDougall, who died in June 2021. Janet was the founder of McDougall Scientific Ltd., a long-time sponsor and supporter of the SORA-TABA Workshop & DLSPH Biostatistics Research Day. As her obituary aptly stated, “She believed in giving back, paying forward, and in sharing whatever she had with heartfelt generosity." She will be greatly missed.







Janet McDougall





John Fox







Paul Corey






Ruth Croxford







Tony Panzarella

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