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Liaison Newsletter

1.    Mentorship Update

We are very pleased to report that over the past year, 24 of 25 (96.0%) of A.Stat. accredited members without mentors have been successfully matched to a mentor. Darcy Pickard will be taking over as facilitator for the 2022–2023 year.

2.    Networking Activities

The accreditation services committee began hosting a monthly book club beginning in April 2022, hosted virtually through the SSC Zoom. The textbook being discussed is Gelman and Hill’s 2007 edition of Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models. There are currently seven SSC members participating. It is hoped that this may be extended to journal club or discussion groups in future years.

In addition, an accreditation workshop on “Delivering applied statistics from concept to production”, hosted by instructors Peter Solymos and Khalid Lemzouji, was successfully held virtually on May 29 during the 2022 annual general meeting with 12 registrants. The Zoom recording and workshop slides will be posted to the SSC website for the period of one year for accredited members to view at their leisure. 

3.    SSC Website

The groundwork for the professional development area for accredited members has been set up and is awaiting activation in the near future by the IT committee.

Respectfully submitted by 

Jenna Sykes, MMath, P.Stat.
Accreditation Services Committee

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