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Liaison Newsletter

The student and recent graduate committee of the SSC is dedicated to supporting students and recent graduates with workshops, accreditation, scholarships, employment, social activities, and more. We want to connect with statisticians across Canada with our 2019–2020 inaugural survey to better understand our community's engagement with the committee, and the experiences and needs of recent or soon-to-be graduates.

The survey below incorporates questions that will help us in tailoring this year’s activities to your interests! As our way of saying thanks, your participation will give you the opportunity to enter a draw for a $25 Amazon gift card. Please fill out the survey before January 20, 2020 to be eligible.

Link to the survey (English):

Lien vers le sondage (Français) :

You know how data are important! If you are a student or a recent graduate, or if you know one, please forward this information to them, to ensure that we may collect as much data as possible. All information submitted is confidential.

This survey is also a way for students and recent graduates to get involved! As mentioned in the survey, the SARGC is currently looking for

• candidates (students, recent graduates, and working professionals) interested in being interviewed on their transitions as students to working professionals; and

• representatives of the SARGC in each Canadian University, who will help us in communicating any important information about the SARGC activities.

Please note that the links in the survey open independent pop-up windows to allow you to register for different activities while keeping your answers to the survey anonymous.


The members of the SARGC are looking forward to hearing from you!

Thank you for your help,



For more information on the SARGC, please visit our website:

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