Image courtesy of the Virtual Organizing Committee.
Registration end date: Wednesday May 25, 2022 at 11:59 PM PDT
Scientific Program Committee:
Pengfei Li (Chair)
Virtual Organizing Committee:
Richard Lockhart (Co-Chair), Shirley Mills (Co-Chair), Asokan M Variyath, Pengfei Li, Angelo Canty, Wendy Lou, Michelle Benoit, Marie-Pierre Nantel
SSC Presidential Invited Address: Anthony Davison
Talk: How long could a human live?
SSC 2021 Gold Medal Address: Art Owen
Talk: Tie-Breaker Designs
2021 SSC Impact Award Address: Thérèse Stukel
Talk: Innovative Uses of Health Administrative Data for Health Policy Research
2022 CRM-SSC Prize in Statistics: Pengfei Li
Talk: Density Ratio Model And Its New Applications
2022 Canadian Journal of Statistics Award:
Li Xing (University of Saskatchewan)
Xuekui Zhang (University of Victoria)
Igor Burstyn (Drexel University)
Paul Gustafson (University of British Columbia)
Talk: The Logistic Box-Cox Regression Helps Investigate the Exposure-Disease Relationship in Epidemiological Studies
2022 Pierre Robillard Award: Janie Coulombe
Talk: Causal Inference on the Marginal Effect of an Exposure: Addressing Biases Due To Covariate-driven Monitoring Times And Confounders