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Assistant professor in Statistics with an expertise in Causal inference

Effervescent, multidisciplinary, and innovative, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) is one of the Université de Montréal largest faculties. It offers 300 undergraduate and graduate programs, some of which are unique in Québec, spread across 29 departments, schools, centers, and institutes. It is also home to some 30 interdisciplinary research centers and groups.

Assistant Professor in Biostatistics, Statistics or Data Science

Université de Montréal has more than 10,000 employees and is one of Canada's Top 100 Employers. UdeM has Canada's 2nd largest student body and ranks among the top five Canadian research universities, receiving more than half a billion dollars in research funding every year. Through the achievements of the members of its community, UdeM participates in building today’s and tomorrow’s world

Assistant Professor of Financial Mathematics

Université de Montréal has more than 10,000 employees and is one of Canada's Top 100 Employers. UdeM has Canada's 2nd largest student body and ranks among the top five Canadian research universities, receiving more than half a billion dollars in research funding every year. Through the achievements of the members of its community, UdeM participates in building today’s and tomorrow’s world.

Assistant professor of biostatistics

Université de Montréal has more than 10,000 employees and is one of Canada's Top 100 Employers.
UdeM has Canada's 2nd largest student body and ranks among the top five Canadian research universities, receiving more than half a billion dollars in research funding every year.
Through the achievements of the members of its community, UdeM participates in building today’s and tomorrow’s world.

Professeure ou professeur en bio-statistique appliquée

Professeure ou professeur en bio-statistique appliquée au rang d’adjoint
(AFF : PHA 03-12 / 3)
La Faculté de pharmacie de l’Université de Montréal est à la recherche d’une professeure ou d’un professeur de carrière dans le domaine de la bio-statistique appliquée à la pharmaco-épidémiologie, la pharmaco-économie, les essais cliniques ou la recherc