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SSC 1997 Annual Meeting

June 1 - 4, 1997
University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick

Biostatistics I: Environmental Impact Assessments

Jim Zidek (University of British Columbia)

Nhu D. Le (B.C. Cancer Agency)
Imputing Unmeasured Explanatory Variables in Health Impact Analysis

H. Ozkaynak (Harvard University)
Predicted Contribution of Different Air Pollution Sources on Daily Mortality in Toronto

Mark Goldberg (McGill University & Université du Québec)
A Novel Investigation of The Short-Term Effects of Air Pollution and Mortality

Biostatistics II: Modelling Multiple Life Time Events in Randomized Controlled Clinical Trials

Richard J. Cook (University of Waterloo)

Jianguo Sun (Harvard School of Public Health)
Regression Analysis of Epidemiological Studies with Doubly Censored Failure Time Data

Peter Thall (M.D. Andersen Cancer Center, Houston)
Parametric Likelihoods for Multiple Non-fatal Competing Risks and Death

Janet Raboud (Canadian H.I.V. Trials Network, Vancouver)
A Comparison of Methods of Assessing Quality of Life Outcomes in a Randomized Trial With Missing Data Due to Dropouts and Death

Biostatistics III: Statistical Issues in Genetics

Shelley Bull (Lunenfeld Research Institute, University of Toronto)

Chris Andrews (Carnegie-Mellon University)
Reconstructing Chromosomes from Random Fragments

Augustine Kong (University of Chicago)
Methods for Gene Mapping in Human Disease

Gerarda Darlington (Ontario Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation, University of Toronto)

Audience Discussion

Biostatistics IV: Recent Advances and Applications of Generalized Linear Mixed Models

O. B. Allen (University of Guelph)

Charles E. McCulloch (Cornell University)
Methods of Estimation in Generalized Linear Mixed Models

Xihong Lin (University of Michigan)
Inference for Generalized Additive Mixed Models

Bent Jorgensen (University of British Columbia)
Estimating Equations for Generalized Linear Mixed Models

Biostatistics and Survey Methods Joint Session: Wildlife Management

Louis-Paul Rivest (Université Laval)

William G. Warren (Fisheries and Oceans, St. John's, NF)
Spatial Analysis of Marine Populations

Gilles Gauthier (Department of Biology, Université Laval)
The Use of Capture-Recapture Models to Estimate Survival and Movements in Greater Snow Geese

Louis-Paul Rivest (Université Laval)
Estimating the Size of the Riviere George Caribou Herd

Caucus for Women in Statistics and Biostatistics Joint Session: Statistical Issues in Psychiatry

Judy-Anne Chapman (Women's College Hospital, Toronto)

Chantal Merette (Université Laval)
Hopes and Challenges in Genetic Studies of Psychiatric Disorders

Veronica Vieland (University of Iowa)
Statistical Issues in Genetic Studies of Psychiatric Disorders

Judy-Anne Chapman (Women's College Hospital, Toronto)