The Canadian Statistics Student Conference (CSSC) takes place the day before the Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada (SSC) and is organized by a committee of students and recent graduates. This conference is structured around four main facets: research, networking, skill building, and career information. A wide range of statistical interests are represented including actuarial science, biostatistics, business and industrial statistics, probability, statistical education, and survey methods. In addition to providing the opportunity for students to present their work with their peers, the CSSC features an impressive slate of invited speakers sharing their experiences in government, industry, and academia.
History and Objectives
In May 2013, Mireille Schnitzer and a team of students and recent graduates hosted the first SSC Student Conference at the University of Alberta. The SSC Student Conference was designed to integrate students into the activities of statistics and to provide a comfortable bridge to the Annual Meeting of the SSC.
Conference activities are strategically planned to help students and recent graduates prepare for their role as statisticians. There are many opportunities for participants to develop and become aware of the skills necessary to be a successful statistician. For example, students and recent graduates have the opportunity to develop their presentation skills through research presentations among their peers. Audiences may develop communication and critical thinking skills by asking presenters questions and providing feedback. Other important skills may be discussed or imparted by invited speakers. The conference also aims to inform students of different career opportunities available to them as future statisticians through talks by well-established statisticians. Finally, there are several opportunities throughout the day for participants to network with each other, invited speakers, and potential employers.
In 2016, the name of the SSC Student Conference was changed to the Canadian Statistics Student Conference (CSSC).
Every year, activities of the Canadian Statistics Student Conference include:
i) Student and recent graduate oral and poster research presentations
ii) Career session
iii) 1-2 skills sessions (concurrent)
iv) Keynote address by a renowned statistician
v) Networking session (started in 2016)
vi) Evening social event