Edward Andrew Susko, Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Dalhousie University, is the 2011 winner of the CRM-SSC Prize. Ed has been at the forefront of the development of probabilistic and statistical methods across the field of genetics and computational biology, and is recognized as an international leader. Alongside work published in the mainstream statistics literature, his papers have appeared in some of the most influential journals in the field (PNAS, Molecular Biology and Evolution, Journal of Theoretical Biology). His important contributions, highly cited and recognized as foundational by world-leading experts, include work on statistical phylogenetics, comparative genomics and molecular evolution. His recent results concerning the application of the bootstrap to phylogenetics, where it is perhaps the most widely used computational tool, and the development of theoretical results related to likelihood estimation, have been described as having the potential to completely change the way that molecular phylogenetics is practised and interpreted worldwide.