The Probability Section was created at the 2005 October SSC Board meeting with the support of approximately 20 founding members; membership is now around 100.
The overall objective of the section is to focus on the interests of members working in probability and its applications to mathematics, biology, finance and many other areas. The section will therefore organize invited and contributed paper sessions at the SSC Annual Meetings as well as appropriate short courses and workshops. The section also aims to promote the greater interaction of researchers in probability theory from the SSC, the CMS, Bernoulli Society and IMS.
2024-2025 Executive
President (2024-25): Raj Srinivasan (University of Saskatchewan)
Past President (2024-25): Thomas Salisbury (York University)
President-Elect (2024-25): Priscilla (Cindy) Greenwood (University of British Columbia)
Treasurer (2023-26): Aaron Smith (University of Ottawa)
Secretary (2022-25): François Marshall (Boston University)
Past Presidents2023-24 Thomas Salisbury
2022-23 Shui Feng
2021-2022 Éric Marchand
2020-21 Mary Thompson
2019-20 Jean Vaillancourt
2018-19 René Ferland
2017-18 Richard Lockhart
2016-17 Neal Madras
2015-16 Gail Ivanoff
2014-15 Reg Kulperger
2013-14 Mike Kouritzin
2012-13 Barbara Szyszkowicz
2011-12 Hao Yu 2010-11 Yiqiang Zhao
2009-10 Murray Burke
2008-09 Bruno Remillard 2007-08 Edit Gombay
2006-07 Andre Dabrowski / Edit Gombay (acting)