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2003 Annual Meeting in Halifax

Ali, J. (2003) Data Quality monitoring using the Blaise audit trail

Baldé, T., Chhab-Alperin, N. and Quenneville, B. (2003) A study on the predictive power of the Help Wanted Index

Belcher, R. (2003) Application of the Hidiroglou-Berthelot method of outlier detection for periodic business surveys

Brisebois, F. and Mathieu, P. (2003) Creation of a new longitudinal weight for the Canadian National Population Health Survey: providing data users with greater analytical flexibility

Béland, Y., Dufour, J., MacNabb, L. and Pierre, F. (2003) Sample Design of the 2004 Canadian Nutrition Survey

Bérard, H. (2003) Dealing with misclassified units in repeated business surveys : the experience of the redesigned Canadian Monthly Wholesale and Retail Trade Survey (MWRTS)

Clark, C., Armstrong, M. and Thibault, C. (2003) Measurement and innovation in the 2001 Canadian Census coverage studies

Dubreuil, G., Hidiroglou, M. and Pierre, L. (2003) Use of administrative data in the modeling of monthly survey data

Duggan, J., Neusy, E. and Bélanger, Y. (2003) Sample design issues in a large-scale multi-frame national survey: the Canadian component of the International Adult Literacy and Life-skills survey (ALL)

Faucher, D., Langlet, é., and Lesage, é (2003) An application of the bootstrap variance estimation method to the Participation and Activity Limitation Survey

Fortier, S. (2003) Producing historical data according to a new classification for the Monthly Wholesale and Retail Trade Survey

Gismondi, R. (2003) Optimal provisional estimation in longitudinal surveys

Hazelton, F. (2003) Impact of Data Processing on Unified Enterprise Survey Micro Data : The route to the final datapoint

Hurtubise, D. (2003) Variance estimation in the context of complex surveys related to the use of administrative data

Kohen, D. and Ross, N. (2003) Introduction

Lawless, J. (2003) Censoring and weighing in survival estimation from survey data

MacNabb, L. (2003) Application of cluster analysis towards the development of health region peer groups

Morrison, R., Giroux, S. and Julien, C. (2003) Redesign of the agricultural surveys

Philips, R. (2003) The theory and applications of the score function for determining the priority of follow up in the Annual Survey of Manufactures

Pursey, S. (2003) Use of the score function to optimize data collection resources in the Unified Enterprise Survey

Rao, J.N.K. (2003) Some new developments in small area estimation

Reiss, P., Schiopu-Kratina, I. and Mach, L. (2003) The use of the Transportation Problem in Coordinating the Selection of Samples for Business Surveys

Roberts, G., Binder, D., Kovacevic, M., Pantel, M. and Phillips, O. (2003) Using an estimating equation bootstrap approach for obtaining variance estimates when modeling complex health survey data

Rubin-Bleuer, S. (2003) An approximation of the Partial-Likelihood Score in a Joint Design-Model Space

Singh, A. and Phillips, O. (2003) Calibration allocation of sample for multiple characteristic surveys under stratified random sampling

Singh, S. (2003) On Farrell and Singh/s penalized chi-square distance function in survey sampling

Sutherland, J. and Schwarz, C.J. (2003) Multi-list methods using incomplete lists in closed populations

Wu, L., Ma, X. and Wang, X. (2003) Neighbourhood Factors and Children: Small Area Statistics

You, Y. and Gambino, J. (2003) Hierarchical Bayes small area estimation with model determination and applications