2002 Annual Meeting in Hamilton

2002 Annual Meeting in Hamilton

Aguirre, F. and Sun, T. (2003) SSC Case Study 2002 - Handling Missing Data in the 1994 National Population Health Survey

Allie, E. (2002) Inversion Procedures for Systematically Randomly Rounded Income Data

Arnab, R. and Singh, S. (2002) Estimation of Variance from Missing Data

Binder, D. (2002) Discussion Paper New Research Findings in Analysis Methods for Survey Data

Bourque, L. (2002) Citizen Security and Personal Information Confidentiality: Governmental Statistical Organizations Approach

Cotton, C. (2002) Low Income Measurement in Canada

Demnati, A. and Rao, J.N.K. (2002) Linearization Variance Estimators for Survey Data

Dubois, J.-F. and Simard, M. (2002) Weighting challenges for the Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada (LSIC)

Farrell, P. and Singh, S. (2002) Recalibration of Higher-Order Calibration Weights

Haziza, D., Nobrega, K. and Bernier, J. (2002) Analyzing Health Data with Missing Values

MacNeil, D. and Pursey, S. (2002) Dealing with Industry Misclassification in the Unified Enterprise Survey

Mach, L. and Saidi, A. (2002) Development of the Labour Cost Index at Statistics Canada

Matthews, S. and Bérard, H. (2002) The Outlier Detection and Treatment Strategy for the Monthly Wholesale and Retail Trade Survey of Statistics Canada

Pierre, F. and Béland, Y. (2002) On Response Error sin the Canadian Community Health Survey

St-Pierre, M. and Béland, Y. (2002) Imputation of Proxy Respondents in the Canadian Community Health Survey

Thomas, R. and Cyr, A. (2002) Applying Item Response Theory Methods to Complex Survey Data

Triplett, J. (2002) IT, Hedonic Price Indexes and Productivity: International Comparability Issues

You, Y. (2002) Benchmarking Hierarchical Bayes Small Area Estimators with Application in Census Undercoverage Estimation