About the Statistical Education Section

The Statistical Education Section of the Statistical Society of Canada was established in May 2012, with Kevin Thorpe as the first President. 

The purpose of the Statistical Education Section is to serve the membership of the Section through the provision of opportunities for professional growth. Activities supporting professional enhancement include:

  • the organization and offering of educational symposia, workshops, and programs that support a member’s pedagogical activities;
  • conducting education activities which highlight the importance of the science of Statistics in Canadian society;
  • the provision of grants, prizes, and other honours to students and researchers studying or working in the science of Statistics or related fields to encourage excellence in such fields. 

The section sponsors invited and contributed sessions in Statistics Education and organizes a workshop at the annual meetings of the Statistical Society of Canada.

Please consult the Education page for resources to support your teaching of statistics.


We would like to invite you to be part of our online community by joining the SSC's Statistical Eduction Section Slack community:
